Situation model dental technology
Dental technicians are looking for Dental stone type IV with special properties for innovations in the dental laboratory. We will be happy to advise you directly. Our specialized dental plasters will convince you. We carry die plasters of type4, which are especially optimized for cameras and scanners with short-wave blue light to enable a digital dental laboratory.
You will probably not be able to immediately assess all of our special stump plaster type IV in terms of their specific merits. This is particularly true if they come from identical product ranges: esthetic-base (R) gold and gold quick, for example, are very similar. similar. We therefore offer you the opportunity to compare the individual variants here in our store. Via the corresponding button you can compare them directly.
Die cast for situation model, bite model, counterbite model and diagnostic model:
- esthetic-base (R): Early demoldable, thixotropic and excellent for surface digitization
- esthetic-rock (R): resin stabilized
- hydro-base (R): Low-thixotropic, early demoldable and especially for all hydrous and hydrophilic impression materials.
- Vantago: Optimized flow and processing properties
- dentano No. 1: Splinter-free butt plaster, thixotropic, brilliant surface, very hard
- uni-base (R) 300 is the successor of the well-known dento-rock (R) 280